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Edoardo Zago

Name: Edoardo Zago

Born: April, 18 1994

Years Climbing: 8

Hometown: Torino, IT

Currently Living: Torino, IT

Local Climbing Spot: Dado, Orco Valley

The Insights

Why / How Did You Start Climbing: I started thanks to my dad who is involved in alpinism and alpine climbing much more than rock climbing. He would take me to do short multi-pitches starting around 7 years old. It wasn't until I was 16 though that I really got involved and attended climbing courses, from here I took my way with climbing.

Favorite Climbing Destination: I Don't have just one but I seek out places where I can put together climbing with other outdoor activities (slackline, seaside, good food) somewhere you can also relax...not just being scared on the wall!

In 3 Words What Describes Climbing To You: Excitement, Fear, Nature

How Do You Train: I regularly go to the gym but without a specific training plan

You Whip, You Slip, You Blow The Move... What Motivates You To Try Again: I'm always looking for the answer to that question...I honestly don't know, but I like it! :-)

What Do You Do When You're Not Climbing: I study engineering and when I find the time I travel and work in a mountain hut. Along with this I enjoy ski touring, freeriding, scuba diving, and traveling